{% set config = helper.config %}
{% set socialShare = config.socialShareImage ? config.socialShareImage : config.logo %}
{% set favicon = config.favicon ? config.favicon : config.logo %}
{% if favicon %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if favicon %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if socialShare %}
{% else %}{% endif %}
{% if config.appBaseline %}{% endif %}
{% if socialShare %}{% endif %}
{# custom javascript code #}
{# general gogocarto styles depending on configuration style (colors, font...) #}
{% include 'gogocarto-styles.html.twig' %}
{# custom CSS written from configuration admin #}
{# the icons as SVG font #}
{{ config.iconImport|raw }}
{{ config.fontImport | raw }}
{# Matomo user tracking, if enabled in .env file #}
{% if matomo_url and matomo_site_id and matomo_token %}
{% endif %}